This week in CoaH Kids

Lydia, the jailer, and many others were saved because they believed in Jesus. Jesus offers us salvation as a gift. He did all the work to save us by dying on the cross. We do not need to earn salvation; we can just receive it by repenting and trusting in Jesus. Jesus offers salvation as a gift. We don’t earn salvation; we receive it by repenting and trusting in Jesus.

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Don't Waste Your Holy Week

As we enter Holy Week, the greatest need we have is to know Jesus on a deeper and more personal level. In this week's blog, Pastor Bland shares some ideas for how we can seek Him with intentionality during this season of celebration. 

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This week in CoaH Kids

This month in the 2 & 3 year old class, we are learning about Jesus' death and resurrection. Your kids will rejoice that Jesus is alive! In the PreK - 6th grade ministry, we learned that God had a plan to use Paul as a light for other nations—not only for Jews but for Gentiles too. Paul would reach people all over the world and show them how to be saved. This was happy news for the Gentiles, and many of them believed the message of God. 

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This week in CoaH Kids

Salvation, sometimes called conversion, happens when a person recognizes his sin, repents, believes in Jesus, and confesses Jesus as Savior and Lord. Jesus changes a person’s heart, and as a result, his or her life is changed too. Today in CoaH Kids, we learned about when Jesus appeared to Saul and changed him inside and out. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. (1 Tim. 1:15) Jesus called Saul, who was once an enemy of Christians, to spend the rest of his life telling people the gospel and leading them to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.

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Mollie DykstraCoaH Kids