This week in CoaH Kids


The the CoaH Kids Blog posts are designed to give you an overview of what your kid(s) learned on Sunday mornings. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to email me at 

Kids Worship: April 9th - Once a month we are going to ask that you take your children into the larger gathering and sing together as a family after you've checked them into CoaH Kids. Then they will be dismissed with their teachers for the regular CoaH Kids program. 

Easter Sunday: Please join us for Easter Sunday worship at Brookline High School. There will be a children's ministry for your kids nursery through 3rd grade. The 4th - 6th graders will worship with their families in the larger gathering. Please feel free to invite your friends!

Kids' Summer Adventure: Join us for Kids' Summer Adventure July 24-28, 2017. During this fun week of games, songs, snack and bible lessons your kids will uncover the Truth about who God is! Register here.



This Week's Story is from: Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-31

Memory Verse: Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..."

Summary: This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes us along with Paul on his first missionary journey. Paul’s first missionary journey began in Antioch of Syria—the third-largest city in the Roman empire, after Rome and Alexandria. The Holy Spirit was working in the Antioch church. The Spirit led the believers there to send out Paul and Barnabas on a journey to preach. The church obeyed, and Paul and Barnabas went out.

Remember that at one time Paul had devotedly persecuted Christians, but now Paul was a missionary. A missionary is someone who obeys God’s call to go and tell others the good news about Jesus. Paul and Barnabas traveled to several cities and all over the island of Cyprus, telling everyone about Jesus.

In each city, they went first into the synagogues. They told the Jews about Jesus. Some of the Jews believed, but some of them were angry at Paul and Barnabas. They rejected the truth about Jesus. In some places, the Jews made plans to kill Paul! So Paul and Barnabas went to the Gentiles, the non-Jews. This was the purpose to which God had called Paul. (See Acts 9:15.) When the Gentiles heard the gospel, many of them believed. The gospel is not for a select group of people; it is for everyone! If Paul had not taken the gospel to the Gentiles, many of us would probably not be believers today.

Paul obeyed the Holy Spirit’s call to tell the world about Jesus. Many of the Jews rejected Christ, so Paul shared the gospel with the non-Jews. Many of them believed in Jesus. God uses people to tell others about Jesus so that people all over the world can be saved from their sin by trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Christ Connection: Paul obeyed the Holy Spirit's call to tell the world about Jesus. Many of the Jews rejected Christ, so Paul shared the gospel with the non-Jews. Many of them believed in Jesus. God uses people to tell others about Jesus so that people all over the world can be saved from their sin by trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior. 

Family Activity: If you have a road map of your state or an electronic map app, mark your city. Mark the farthest city north, south, east, or west of your town. Talk about how long the car ride would be to one of those cities. Briefly review Paul’s first missionary journey. Invite your kids to think about ways to tell people in your city about Jesus.

Review Questions for Pre-K – Kindergarteners:

  • Did everyone believe what Paul and Barnabas said about Jesus? (No, many Jews did not believe)
  • What did Paul and Barnabas tell people? (God loves you. God will forgive your ssns if you trust in Jesus. Jesus is the only Savior)
  • How did Paul help the man in Lystra? (He healed the man so he could walk again)
  • How did the Jews in this city hurt Paul? (They threw rocks at him)
  • Big Picture Question: What does a missionary do? A missionary goes and tells people about Jesus.

Review Questions for 1st - 6th Grade:

  • Which of Paul’s friends was called to go with him on the journey? (Barnabas, Acts 13:2)
  • What did Paul and Barnabas tell the people in each city? (the good news about Jesus, Acts 13:32)
  • Where did Paul normally teach and who was there? (He taught in synagogues. Both Jews and Gentiles would listen, Acts 13:14, 26; 14:1)
  • Why did some Jews start to argue with Paul? (They were jealous and refused to believe, Acts 13:45, 14:2)
  • How did the people treat Paul and Barnabas in Lystra? (The Gentiles wanted to worship Paul and Barnabas. The Jews argued with Paul and threw stones at him. They dragged Paul out of the city, Acts 14:11-19)
  • Big Picture Question: What is a missionary? A missionary is someone who obeys God’s call to go and tell others about the good news of Jesus.



April Memory Verse: "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

April Theme: Jesus died and is alive again (John 19:16b-20:31)

From the parent take-home page:  Show pictures of Jesus on the cross. Talk about Him, being sad because Jesus is on the cross. Tell your child that Jesus had many owies and then Jesus couldn’t move or talk. Then tell your child that Jesus came back! Jesus could move and talk again. Jesus is alive.

Throughout the day, point out to your child things that are alive and things that are not alive. (You may want to stay with the simplest meaning possible. For example, “the dog can walk. The dog can lick my face. The dog is alive. The table can’t walk. The table is not alive.”)

Pray: Thanks Jesus for coming back. Praise Jesus that He is alive.



9AM Nursery: Children ages 0-1 year old are welcome to come play in the nursery at this service. There is a separate ministry for 2 - 3 year olds during this service. We provide cheerios for children over age 1 (unless specified by parents) and we try to spend a little bit of time reading the Bible story books. 

11AM Nursery: Children ages 0-3 years old are welcome to come play in the nursery at this service. We provide cheerios during Bible story reading time for children 1 year and older!

 ***IMPORTANT*** We have severe allergies in our nursery-aged kids. Only cheerios are give as a snack to children ages 1 years+. If your child cannot have cheerios, we will make an exception but feed him/her separately from the group. If possible, please bring a labelled water cup for your child to use during the nursery. If you've forgotten a label, the check-in coordinator would be happy to print out a label for you!