Pastor Fletcher preaches from Matthew 1:18-25 about Joseph, the father of Jesus.
Pastor Fletcher preaches from Matthew 2:1-12 about the wise men from the nativity story.
Pastor Fletcher concludes the Sabbath Way of Life sermon series with a message from Matthew 11:25-30.
CoaH Brookline Pastor Bland Mason preaches about Jesus’ three titles given in the Apostles’ Creed, speaking from Matthew 16:13-20.
Pastor Fletcher begins our new sermon series with the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20.
Pastor Fletcher finishes our Sermon on the Mount series speaking from Matthew 7:24-29 about building our lives on the foundation of the gospel.
Pastor Fletcher continues the Sermon on the Mount series with Matthew 7:13-23.
Pastor Ben preaches from Matthew 7:12 about Jesus’ Golden Rule.
Pastor Fletcher preaches on child-like prayer from Matthew 7:7-11.
Pastor Fletcher continues the Sermon on the Mount series, preaching from Matthew 7:1-6, 12.
Pastor Fletcher describes God’s response to anxiety, preaching from Matthew 6:25-34.
Pastor Fletcher preaches about the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:7-15.
Pastor Ben preaches from Matthew 6:5-6 & 16-18 about heart motivation.
We continue our Sermon on the Mount series with Matthew 6:1-4 & 19-24.
Pastor Fletcher preaches from Matthew 5:38-48 about compassion.
We continue our Sermon on the Mount series with Matthew 5:33-37.
Pastor Fletcher preaches about God’s plan for sex and human flourishing (Matthew 5:27-32).
Worship Pastor Ben Nevius continues our Sermon on the Mount series with a message from Matthew 5:21-26 about anger.
The Sermon on the Mount series continues with a message from Matthew 5:17-20.
Pastor Fletcher continues our Sermon on the Mount series with Matthew 5:13-16.
Pastor Fletcher preaches on the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12.
We begin our new sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7.
The Story of Everything series continues with the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.
Christians are called to fast in times of mourning and repentance and feast in times of joy (Matthew 9:14-17).