LEAD graduates from our first year in 2015-16!
LEAD Fellowship is a nine month intensive leadership development program that consists of lectures from CoaH elders and guest speakers, a comprehensive curriculum, small group discussion, mentorship, and service.
The elders at CoaH want to take leadership development seriously. We believe we have a biblical mandate to disciple and equip God’s people to lead God’s church.
We want to develop both men and women as leaders. Ideally, the LEAD fellowship will function with equal numbers of men and women. We see developing female leaders in the local church to be a responsibility that too few churches prioritize.
The LEAD fellowship is our pipeline for church leadership. It's a prerequisite for the eldership and deaconship.
The primary goal of the LEAD fellowship is to be a system for accomplishing the mandate of Ephesians 4:11-12 – And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up the body of Christ.
The LEAD Fellowship is an intensive program focused on living and leading others toward a gospel-centered life. You should view the LEAD Fellowship as the equivalent as one college course worth of work. It’s like a mini-seminary degree packed into one year.
We meet every first Sunday of the month at the 133 at 5PM. These meetings will focus on teaching & discussion. Every third Sunday of the month there will be gender specific meetings in homes. These meetings will focus more on mentoring, discussion, & character. Childcare may be offered if necessary.
All the participants are expected to be increasingly involved in the ministry of the church as the fellowship continues, but we recognize that this will look different for each person.
We will be using the Porterbook material to navigate our time together, although sometimes we may supplement this material with other things of interest. Porterbrook is a curriculum that teaches Christians how to live in the light of the Bible story at the heart level in the context of community on mission to the world.
Here is an outline of what we will cover over the course of a year. The homework will be about 3-5 hours of work a week. Most people find the work very devotional.
September 3 - Large Group - CoaH Distinctives and Leadership Principles (Additional Homework Due: Enneagram)
September 17 - Small Group - Character – Gospel Change
October 1 - Large Group - What are Elders/Deacons? (Additional Homework Due: Life Maps)
October 15 - Small Group - Character – Gospel Relationships
November 5 - Large Group - Biblical Manhood & Womanhood (Additional Homework Due: Jesus, Justice, and Gender Roles - Kathy Keller)
November 19 - Small Group - Church – Gospel Community
December 3 - Large Group - Conflict Resolution (Additional Homework Due: Keller Devotional Plan)
December 17 - Small Group - OFF, but still read - Bible & Doctrine – Understanding God’s Story
January 7 - Large Group - Pastoral Care / Counseling (Additional Homework Due: 2 Ed Welch Sermons - link to be given)
January 21 - Small Group - Character – Gospel Living
February 4 - Large Group - Spiritual Gifts (Additional Homework Due: Reformed reader)
February 18 - Small Group - World - Evangelism
March 4 - Large Group - Stewardship
March 18 - Small Group - Church – Keeping it Missional
April 8 (April 1 is Easter) - Large Group - Diversity & Justice (Additional Homework: Process Managing Document)
April 22 - Small Group - World - Apologetics
May 6 - Large Group - Celebration
May 20 - Small Group - World – Engaging with Context
There are several qualifications for the LEAD Fellowship.
• Must be a member or actively pursuing membership at CoaH.
• Must be participating in a CG.
• Must have an exemplary and teachable character.
• Must commit to the full year and at least 80% of attendance.
• Must commit to complete at least 80% of the homework.
Even if you meet all the qualifications, space is limited, and not all who apply will be selected to participate. We will follow up with each applicant though, and this is a program that we hope to continue for many years to come, so there will be more opportunities.
The cost for the LEAD Fellowship is $270 a person over the year; each curriculum course costs $30 and can be paid for monthly. There will be a few additional books and resources required that may cost a small amount. Financial aid is available by checking the financial aid box on your application. We do not want finances to get in the way of anyone completing this process. We are glad to provide scholarships as needed.
If you have any questions or comments about the program, contact Pastor Fletcher at fletcher@coahchurch.org.