This week in CoaH Kids


CoaH Retreat: The CoaH Fall Retreat is October 28th - 30th. Located at Camp Monadnock in Jaffrey, NH. Families are welcome and will have private accommodations.  See the CoaH website for more details here

Family Worship Sunday: Mark your calendars, our next Family Worship Sunday is October 30th at both 9am & 11am services. On Family Worship Sundays your kids (Pre-K through 5th grade) will be taking a break from their regular CoaH Kids curriculum and joining everyone in the larger gathering for worship. 

We regularly have Family Worship Sunday to remind you as parents that you are the primary disciple-maker of your children. You have the opportunity to model worship for your kids as we do in the larger gathering. We also think this is a great opportunity for the larger church body to identify our families and celebrate our children as part of the church.  Read about Family Worship Sunday here.



9AM Nursery: Children ages 0 -1 yrs old are welcome to come play in the nursery at this service. There is a separate class for 2 - 3 yr olds during this service. We provide cheerios for children over age 1 (unless specified by parents) and we try to spend a little bit of time reading the Bible story books. 

11AM Nursery: Children ages 0-3 yrs old are welcome to come play in the nursery at this service. We provide cheerios during Bible story reading time for children 1 yr and older!

Please bring a labelled water cup for your child to use during the nursery. If you've forgotten a label, the check-in coordinator would be happy to print out a label for you!

 ***IMPORTANT*** We have severe allergies in our nursery-aged kids. We'll have a Cheerios snack (for ages 1 yrs old and up) during Bible story time, but please don't give your child a bagel or other snack when you are checking them in. We clean our toys regularly, but we don't like to take chances.



September Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

September Theme: God made everything! Let's start at the beginning and learn about creation. From Genesis 1 & Ps 139:13-16

From the parent take-home page: Talk the different things God has made. When you talk about the trees, birds, people, and so on, tell your child that God made these things. Tell your child that God made these things because God is so big. Thank God for everything that He has made.  (A Sure Foundation, 2005)



Memory Verse: Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Bible Passages: Matt 24:45-51; Luke 12:42-48

This Week's Story: Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. In today’s Bible story, Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives when His disciples came to Him with a question. The disciples had been puzzled when Jesus told them that the temple would be destroyed. (Matt. 24:2) They asked, “What is the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matt. 24:3).

Matthew 24 records Jesus’ response. He told of persecution and tribulation. The chapter ends with a parable about faithful service to Jesus. The parable of the faithful servant serves as a warning to believers, urging them to be prepared for Jesus’ return.

Jesus described what the day will be like when He returns. He begins with a question: “Who then is a faithful and sensible slave, whom his master has put in charge of his household, to give them food at the proper time?” (Matt. 24:45). Jesus told about a faithful servant whose master finds him working hard when he returns. The faithful servant will be put in charge of the master’s possessions. But if the servant is wicked—assuming he can do as he wants while his master is away—he will be punished when the master returns.

In the parable, the master is Jesus. He gave His disciples the specific task of teaching and preaching, of feeding His sheep. (See Matt. 28:18-20; John 21:17.) Jesus’ parable implores the faithfulness of everyone so that when the chief Shepherd appears, they “will receive the unfading crown of glory” (1 Pet. 5:4). The parable also serves as a warning to those—like the scribes and Pharisees—who take advantage of their position for their own gain.

Christ Connection: Jesus gives believers the responsibility of caring for His world and sharing the gospel. No one knows the exact time Jesus will return to earth. We must always be ready. When Jesus returns, those who faithfully work for Him will be rewarded, but those who do not will be punished.

Younger Kids Review Questions

  • Who did the master put in charge of his household? (The servant who worked hard)
  • Did the faithful servant work hard, even when the master wasn't watching? (Yes)
  • What did the bad servant do? (He was mean to the the other servants. He didn't work hard) 
  • What happened to the bad servant when his master came back? (The master punished him)
  • BP Question: What should we always be ready for? We should be ready for Jesus to come back!

Older Kids Review Questions

  • Whom did Jesus describe in this parable? (A master and his servants; Luke 12:42)
  • What job did the master give the faithful and wise servant? (He put him in charge of his household servants, to give them food at the right time; Matt 24:45, Luke 12:42)
  • What will the faithful servant be doing when the master comes home? (Working; Matt 24:46, Luke 12:43)
  • How will the master reward the faithful servant? (He will put him in charge of all of his possessions; Mat 24:47, Luke 12:44)
  • What did Jesus say would be expected of the one given more responsibility? (He will be expected to do many things; Luke 12:48)
  • BP Question: What will happen to the wise and faithful servant? The wise and faithful servant will be rewarded.


    Mollie DykstraCoaH Kids