College Ministry:  3 Core Values & 5 Ways to Get Connected

“If we can win the campus today, we will win the world tomorrow.” -Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ

One of the most strategic mission fields is the college campus.  In the city of Boston, there are more than 80 colleges and universities with a total of more than 250,000 students.  That’s roughly 1/3 of Boston’s population!

This is truly staggering when considering some of the future’s most influential people in the world come to study in our backyard.  This presents a tremendous opportunity to influence the world for Christ. As a result, City on a Hill (CoaH) is committed to spreading the gospel on the college campus.  

We take our cue from Jesus when he said in Mark 4:19 “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  This call to follow Jesus issued over 2,000 years ago still stands today!  Our heart at CoaH is to help college students hear this call so they may find and follow Jesus.

From this verse, we get our 3 Core Values of College Ministry:  

1) Gospel:  “Follow Me…”

  • First, a disciple is someone who is following and trusting in Jesus.  This happens when an individual places their faith in the truth that Jesus atoned for his/her sins through His sinless life, substitutionary death and victorious resurrection. As a result, we seek to strategically partner with campus ministries to display and declare this good news of Jesus throughout the college campus.

2) Community:  “…and I will make you…”

  • Second, we see that as you follow Jesus, He changes you. He does this through 3 primary means – the Bible, prayer and community. It is our heart that every college student joins a community group so that they can further be transformed by Jesus through a community who studies the Bible together, prays together and lives out the gospel together.

3) Mission:  “…fishers of men.”

  • Finally, every follower of Jesus is to be committed to the mission of Jesus “fishing for men.” Another way to say this is that every disciple is called to make disciples by displaying and declaring the gospel to others!

These 3 core values are at the heart of our college ministry and these values cannot be done effectively without the local church.  And if you’re a college student we want you to get plugged into the life of our church!  Check out the 5 ways you can get connected this season through what we’ve entitled “The Fall 5”.

1. Community Groups

  • Our Community Groups are more than just once-a-week gatherings of smaller groups of people; they are communities that participate in the rhythms of life together throughout the city! College Community Groups are the way we live out the Christian life practically. Our goal is to constantly remind one another of the good news of Jesus Christ and how that applies to each day as well as declare and display the gospel to our unbelieving friends and neighbors. Join a Community Group!

2. College Lunch

  • For the month of September, after every Sunday 11am service we will gather for lunch to hang out, meet new faces and spend time in fellowship. Come hungry and bring your friends. We're paying!

3. College Party

  • Each month CoaH will be hosting a college party for you and your friends!  This is a great time to hangout and meet other college students connected with CoaH.  Click here for more information!

4. Church-Wide Retreat

  • We want you to get plugged into the life of the church! This retreat is a designated time for those involved at City on a Hill to get to know one another. Join City on a Hill at our church-wide retreat to Pilgrim Pines Camp in New Hampshire October 13-15. Click here to get more details.

5. Sunday Morning Gathering

  • Whether you are a mature believer in Jesus or you are simply learning more about the Christian faith, it is our hope that you will join us on a Sunday morning to hear more about what we believe and connect with those who are not just college students! Come to either our 9AM or 11AM series and learn more about who we are by clicking here. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

At City on a Hill, we love college students and desire to see them reach their campus through being connected to a local church.  So if you’re a college student, will you join the life of our church as we help others find and follow Jesus?

-Aaron Peters, CoaH College Director


City on a Hill Brookline