New Location in Coolidge Corner School
As most of you know, we worshiped for almost eight years in the gym at Driscoll Elementary
School in Washington Square. Our move at the beginning of the summer, to Lincoln school, is a
temporary one. Back in the spring, we secured future space in the new Coolidge Corner School
and were told we could move there in September.
To update everyone, in relation to this new space, I have good news and bad news and then a
little more good news. The good news is the space we will Coolidge Corner School auditorium is
really coming along and looks amazing. It is a large space with awesome natural lighting and a
huge stage. In addition, there will be 63 underground parking spots as well as a great welcome
area and CoaH Kids’ space.
The bad news is, with the school not set to be completed until right before school starts back,
the principal is leery of renting the space out right away. We have been told by them that our
space is secure but we will not be able to use it until November. Since we will need to stay in Lincoln School until then and are currently at capacity in the auditorium in our 10AM service, we will be going to two services here (9AM & 11AM) on Aug 26. This change will require all of us to step up and serve more but setup and teardown is much less involved than at Driscoll, so it should not be as taxing. This situation should allow us to make people the priority versus Driscoll where equipment was a priority.
The final good news is that when November comes we should be able to go back to one service
when we move to the Coolidge Corner space. The auditorium at CCS seats 400 people,
approximately 160 more seats than the Lincoln auditorium.
I believe going back to two services and the move to CCS will give us a great opportunity to pull
together as a church. God always brings us new people during the fall, so I would encourage
you go out of your way to greet new people and make them feel welcome. My prayer is this fall
will be a time we can serve others faithfully, see people encounter Christ, and grow as a church.
Will you join me in praying?
- Pastor Bland