The Importance of Children's Ministry
Most Sundays at City on a Hill we don’t see the children participate in the main worship gathering. But it’s not as if we want to exclude the kids from the service, rather, I’d like to think it’s because they are having so much fun in CoaH Kids! After all, what kid wouldn't prefer to learn about the Bible through songs, games, an object lesson and a craft that reinforces the topic of the day, rather than sitting through a sermon?
I suppose it could be said that I'm a bit biased, since until very recently I’ve been privileged to serve as the director of CoaH Kids. Before I stepped into this role I didn’t have any prior experience in this area of ministry - official experience, at least, as I have had relevant life experience as a parent for the past 9.5 years. It also helps that I love children (especially nursery aged ones!) and I had the desire to serve God in the church where there was need.
Serving in children’s ministry has taught me that I’m called to share the gospel with everyone including the littles ones who don’t really understand it now, but will someday will connect all of the dots together and really get the message. I’ve learned that being part of their faith journey is a true honor and a serious responsibility.
Children’s ministry is important! Not only to allow the parents to participate in the larger gathering to worship and learn (and maybe even have a brief respite from parenting), but for the children to learn about Jesus in a way that’s appropriate for their age and maturity. And surprisingly, time and time again I’ve found myself being spiritually refreshed from the simplicity yet thoroughness of the children’s lessons. The Gospel message is simple: God’s people are being rescued through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It’s such a joy to see the Holy Spirit working in the lives of the kids and seeing their hearts soften. And even if I’m not around to see the amazing things God will eventually do in their lives, I’m looking forward to the heavenly reunion when we can worship together again!
- Mollie Dykstra