This week in CoaH Kids - July 10th, 2016
CoaH Kids worship together at 11am this summer! Nursery is provided at both services.
Family Worship Sunday: Mark your calendars! The next Family Worship Sunday is Aug 14th. On Family Worship Sundays your kids (Pre-K through 5th grade) will be taking a break from their regular CoaH Kids curriculum and joining everyone in the larger gathering for worship.
We regularly have Family Worship Sunday to remind you as parents that you are the primary disciple-maker of your children. You have the opportunity to model worship for your kids as we do in the larger gathering. We also think this is a great opportunity for the larger church body to identify our families and celebrate our children as part of the church.
Kids' Summer Adventure: Kids ages 3 yrs - 5th grade are welcome to join us for our annual Kids' Summer Adventure, a day-camp style summer program held July 18-22nd from 9:00am - 12:30pm. We'll be searching for the treasure of God's Amazing Grace! See our website for more details.
Please label your child's water cup before you come or ask the check-in coordinator to print out a label for you, thanks!
***IMPORTANT*** We have severe allergies in our nursery-aged kids. We'll have a Cheerios snack (for ages 1 yrs old and up) during Bible story time, but please don't give your child a bagel or other snack when you are checking them in. We clean our toys regularly, but we don't like to take chances.
July Memory Verse: Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters."
July Theme: There is only ONE God! Based on 2 Kings 5:1-15, the story is about God healing Namaan.
From the parent take-home page: Talk about owies (booboos). Remind your child that Namaan had owies. Remind your child that only God could help Namaan. When observing nature or acts of God, tell your child that God is strong. God is good. There is only one God. Count different things. Then say, "there is only one God". Praise God that He is the only God. (A Sure Foundation, 2005)
Memory Verse: Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."
Bible Passages: Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15
This Week's Story: This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes us to look closely at the Parable of the Sower. The Gospels record dozens of Jesus’ parables. A parable is a story Jesus told to help people understand the kingdom of God. Each parable taught a lesson and revealed secrets of God’s kingdom for those who would understand. (See Matt. 13:10-13.)
The parable of the sower would have resonated with those listening because they would have been familiar with the practice of sowing or planting seed. But the parable had a deeper meaning. It contained a lesson about God’s Word and the responses of those who hear it. In the parable, a sower’s seeds fell in four different places. Some of the seeds fell along the path, where they were eaten by birds. Other seeds fell on rocky ground. Those seeds had no roots, so they withered in the sun. Other seeds fell among thorns, and they were choked out. Other seeds fell on good soil, and they produced a crop—a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was planted.
After Jesus told the parable, He explained it to His disciples. The soil represents people’s hearts, and the seed is the word about God’s kingdom. The person whose heart is like the hard soil hears the good news about God, but he does not understand it or he rejects it. The person whose heart is like the rocky soil is quick to receive the truth, but when life gets hard, he falls away. The person whose heart is like the thorny soil cares more about the things of the world than the good news about God, and the seed cannot grow. The person whose heart is like the good soil hears the good news about God and receives it. He bears fruit, more than what was planted. In the life of a believer, the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) is evident.
Christ Connection: Jesus’ lesson still holds true today. Not everyone believes the truth about Jesus. Some don’t understand it, some believe in Jesus for selfish reasons, and some only want part of Jesus because they love other things more. But those who hear the gospel and understand who Jesus is will become like Jesus and share His good news with others.
Younger Kids Review Questions
- What did Jesus teach people about as He traveled from town to town? (God’s kingdom)
- What is a parable? (a story that helps people understand what is true about God’s kingdom)
- What parable did Jesus tell about in our story today? (a farmer planting seed)
- What types of soil did the seeds fall on? (a path, rocky soil, thorny soil, good soil)
- Does everyone who ears the truth of God believe it? (no, some people don’t understand it)
- BP Question: What can you do when you hear the truth about Jesus? I can believe the truth about Jesus.
Older Kids Review Questions
- What story did Jesus tell? (about a farmer planting seeds; Matt 13:3)
- Where did Jesus tell the parable about the sower? (in a boat by the sea; Matt 13:1, Mark 4:1)
- What happened to the seeds on the path? (the birds ate the seeds; Matt 13:4, Mark 4:4, Luke 8:5)
- What happened to the seeds on the rocky ground? (The seeds grew quickly but withered in the sun; Matt 13:5-6, Mark 4:5-6, Luke 8:6)
- What happened to the sees among the thorns? (the thorns choked them; Matt 13:7, Mark 4:7, Luke 8:7)
- What happen to the seeds on the good ground? (they grew and produced a crop, many times what was sown; Matt 13:8, Mark 4:8, Luke 8:8)
- What was the story really about? (about how people respond to the gospel; Matt 13:9)
- Did everyone understand Jesus’ parable? (no; Matt 13:14-15)
- BP Questions: How do people respond to the gospel? Some people believe the gospel and others reject it.
- How is a Christian like the good soil? (He or she hears and understands the gospel. God helps him or her live in a way that causes others to hear and understand as well; Matt 13:23)