This week in CoaH Kids - June 19, 2016


CoaH Kids worship together at 11am this summer! Nursery is provided at both services. 

Kids' Summer Adventure: Kids ages 3 yrs - 5th grade are welcome to join us for our annual Kids' Summer Adventure, a day-camp style summer program held July 18-22nd from 9:00am - 12:30pm. We'll be searching for the treasure of God's Amazing Grace! See our website for more details.



Please label your child's water cup before you come or ask the check-in coordinator to print out a label for you,  thanks!

 ***IMPORTANT*** We have severe allergies in our nursery-aged kids. We'll have a Cheerios snack (for ages 1 yrs old and up) during Bible story time, but please don't give your child a bagel or other snack when you are checking them in. We clean our toys regularly, but we don't like to take chances.



June Memory Verse: Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are safe."

June Theme: God knows everything! Based on 1 Kings 17: 1-6, your child learned about God feeding his servant Elijah. 

From the parent take-home pageMake statements comparing your knowledge to God's knowledge. For example, "I don't know how to make it rain. God knows! God knows everything!" Ask your child about things he doesn't know. Then tell him that God knows everything. For example, "Do you know that person's name? God knows. God knows everything." Talk about Elijah. Remind your child that Elijah didn't know how to find water.  Elijah didn't know how to find food. God knew how to find food and water.  (A Sure Foundation, 2005)



Memory Verse: Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." 

This Week's Story: Last week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, your kids learned that four friends brought their paralytic friend to Jesus. Kids also learned that from that time, the Pharisees kept a watchful eye on Jesus, to see if they could catch Him in sin. This week we read about one Sabbath when Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, there was a man in the synagogue who had a paralyzed hand. The religious leaders knew Jesus had power to heal people. They watched to see if He would heal on the Sabbath. According to the law, people should not do work on the Sabbath.

Jesus was not only aware of the scribes and Pharisees watching Him, but He knew their thoughts as well. So Jesus called to the man with the paralyzed hand. “Stand up here,” Jesus said. So the man stood, and Jesus addressed the religious leaders.

“Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do what is good or to do what is evil, to save a life or to kill?” Jesus asked. The religious leaders did not answer. The hardness of their hearts made Jesus sad. They didn’t understand God’s purpose for the Sabbath. Jesus told the man, “Stretch out your hand.” The man’s hand was healed. The Pharisees and scribes were angry, and they discussed what they might do to Jesus.

Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:5), meaning that He has control. But Jesus hadn’t come to get rid of the Sabbath; He wanted to remind the people why God gave them the Sabbath. (See Ex. 20:8-11.) God intended for the Sabbath to be a blessing to His people, a day of rest from their hard work. But the Pharisees made the Sabbath all about following the rules, making the Sabbath a burden instead.

Christ Connection:  Jesus showed that God’s laws were meant to help people, not to hurt them. Jesus acted in love, even on the Sabbath. The religious leaders planned to kill Jesus. They did not know Jesus was going to die to show God’s love to the whole world. God provided forgiveness and salvation through Jesus’ death on the cross.

Younger Kids Review Questions

  • What is a synagogue? (a special building where God's people met together to worship)
  • BP Question: What is the Sabbath? The Sabbath is a day of rest.
  • What did God's people do on the Sabbath? (They rested from their work and worshipped God)
  • Did Jesus say it was okay to help people on the Sabbath? (Yes)
  • How did the religious leader feel when Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath? (They were angry and made a plan to kill Jesus)

Older Kids Review Questions

  • What was wrong with the man at the synagogue? (His right hand was paralyzed; Mat 12:10, Mark 3:3)
  • Who watches Jesus to see if He did something wrong? (the Pharisees and scribes, or teachers of the law; Luke 6:7)
  • What did Jesus tell the man to do? (to stretch out his hand; Mar 12:13, Mark 3:5)
  • What did the religious leaders ask Jesus? (if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath; Matt 12:10)
  • What happened to the sheep in Jesus' story to the religious leaders? (it fell into a pit or ditch; Matt 12:11)
  • What did Jesus say they would do for the sheep? (They would help it; Matt 12:11)
  • How did the Pharisees and teachers of the law react to Jesus' miracle? (they were angry and planned to kill Jesus; Mat 12:14, Mark 3:6)
  • BP Question: What did Jesus' miracles prove? Jesus' miracles proved that He is the Son of God!