This week in CoaH Kids
The the CoaH Kids Blog posts are designed to give you an overview of what your kid(s) learned on Sunday mornings. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to email me at
Kids Worship: Upcoming dates - June 11th. Once a month we are going to ask that you take your children into the larger gathering and sing together as a family after you've checked them into CoaH Kids. Then they will be dismissed with their teachers for the regular CoaH Kids program.
Family Worship Sunday: Mark your calendars, our next Family Worship Sunday is May 28th at both 9am & 11am services. On Family Worship Sundays your kids (Pre-K through 6th grade) will be taking a break from their regular CoaH Kids curriculum and joining everyone in the larger gathering for worship.
We regularly have Family Worship Sunday to remind you as parents that you are the primary disciple-maker of your children. You have the opportunity to model worship for your kids as we do in the larger gathering. We also think this is a great opportunity for the larger church body to identify our families and celebrate our children as part of the church. Read about Family Worship Sunday here.
Kids' Summer Adventure: Join us for Kids' Summer Adventure July 24-28, 2017. During this fun week of games, songs, snack and bible lessons your kids will uncover the Truth about who God is! Register here.
This Week's Story is from: "What's in the Bible?" - Paul's Letters
Summary: For the next few weeks your children will be learning about how Paul continued to share the Gospel by writing letters to the churches he had planted on his missionary journeys. Here's a short clip to highlight what we'll be covering using the "What's in the Bible?" curriculum. Today they learned about Paul's Epistles, when they were written and to whom they were written.
Christ Connection: Today the children learned about Paul’s Epistles and discovered they can stay strong in the faith!
Family Activity: Today the children learned about papyrus. Consider creating a family papyrus. Here's an example to guide you.
Review Questions
- How many epistles in the New Testament did Paul write? (13)
- What are they? (Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First Thessalonians, Second Thessalonians, First Timothy, Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon)
- How are the Epistles arranged in the Bible? (from longest to shortest)
- How many years did it take Paul to write the letters? (about 15 years -- from 50 AD to 65 AD)
- How do we know to whom the letters are written? (the clue is in the title of each letter)
- What is the first word in all 13 of Paul's epistles? (Paul)
- Where was Paul when he wrote several of the letters? (in prison)
- Take a minute to close your eyes and imagine what it would have been like for Paul while he was writing in prison. What do you think it felt like for him?
- Why did Paul write the letters? (as Paul traveled on his journeys, people started following Jesus. All the Jesus followers in a city would meet together and form what we call a “church” - a word that means “a group that assembles together.” But Paul couldn’t stay and keep teaching every one of these groups, so when they had questions about what Jesus taught or about how they should live as his followers, Paul would write them letters!)
- Why didn’t people just read the New Testament? (the New Testament hadn’t been written yet!)
May Memory Verse: "For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." Psalm 1:6
May Theme: God frees His people from Pharaoh (Ex 5-12)
From the parent take-home page: When things are hard for you or your child, make statements like “God, please help us.” For example, if you are having a hard time lifting something heavy, say, “God, please help me.”
Remind your child that God is strong; God is big.
Help your child understand the meaning of the word “wins.” Use it frequently in conversation. Remind your child that the bad man said “no." And God said “yes." Make the statement, “God always wins.”
Pray: Praise God because He always wins.
9AM Nursery: Children ages 0-1 year old are welcome to come play in the nursery at this service. There is a separate ministry for 2 - 3 year olds during this service. We provide cheerios for children over age 1 (unless specified by parents) and we try to spend a little bit of time reading the Bible story books.
11AM Nursery: Children ages 0-3 years old are welcome to come play in the nursery at this service. We provide cheerios during Bible story reading time for children 1 year and older!