Serving God with Our Finances

Today’s message is on what it means to embrace one’s identity of “servant.” Jesus was the ultimate picture of a servant. Though he was God, he didn’t expect to be served, but rather to serve! This is so unique among world religions, that our God served us! Now our service is just a response to what he has done for us!

Jesus never shied away from the topic of money in the Gospels. He mentions it all the time. According to the Bible, how one manages his or her possessions is definitely linked to their spiritual life. Everything we own belongs to God, and he calls us to be a steward of his resources as a servant.  

So how does CoaH seek to be good stewards and serve God’s kingdom? When someone contributes to the ministry of CoaH, this is an act of service to see the kingdom of God built up. As a church, transparency in finances is a big priority. We have a Finance Team made up of elders and members who help manage what the Lord has given to us, and our members affirm our budget each year.

To give you a current update, right now we’re in the middle of a 6-month budget so that we can change our budget cycle to July-June. Our total amount budgeted for these 6 months from January-June is $236,000. This pays for a ton of things:

  •  59% goes toward personnel. This includes full-time staff, part-time staff, insurance, church accounting services, payroll fees, retirement, etc.
  •  19% goes toward operations. This pays for the rent at Driscoll, our mortgage at the 133, utilities, credit card processing fees, etc.
  •  10% goes toward missions. This is all money that is going directly outside of City on a Hill. We support many church plants and international missions endeavors with this.
  •  12% goes toward our ministries. This is how we buy things for CoaH Kids, Community groups, MBTA advertisements, Party in the Park, Movie Nights, etc.

It’s really amazing that God allows us to leverage our resources to do good for our community in the church. When you give to the local church, you’re not giving to a pastor, but rather, your gift is to God. You give to God through the local church. And this is a great way to financially serve the Lord.

- Pastor Fletcher

Fletcher Lang