Community Group Study Guide Questions 3.22.15


Let’s pray for the local mission of CoaH:
•    Families that go to the Driscoll School and live in surrounding neighborhood .
•    That we would be able to serve the community well and see new people come to church that may never have been to church before.
•    That we will serve the underserved and build relationships i.e. those in Brookline Housing Authority and Steps to Success.
•    Pray specifically for the Alpha Course – Let’s share the names of friends we may invite and pray for them by name.


Let’s share highs and lows for the week. Otherwise known as “rose & thorn,” so I hear.

(Remember: Your goal is good discussion, not just to get through all the questions. Choose the best, leave the rest.)

Read 1 Peter 3:1-7


Upon first reading, how does this passage strike you? If it bothers you, why do you think this is?

What does this passage have to do with the relationship between Jesus and his Church?

Why would someone who is not married be interested in studying this passage? 
(there are many reasons, but one of the main reasons is just to understand God’s relationship with his people better!)

What does Peter ask of wives?

What does Peter ask of husbands?

APPLY THE WORD (select 1 question beforehand to use in guy/girl time)

Why are these commandments still relevant and applicable to husbands & wives today?

How does a wife (or anyone, really), practically, let their “adorning” be the “hidden person of the heart”?

How does a husband, practically, live with their wives in an understanding way?

What other things does scripture tell husbands and wives to do? If you’re married, how can you grow in living out these things?

(We normally will split into groups of men and women for more in depth sharing and prayer at the end. Use one of the questions from the application section selected beforehand.)

Maybe its appropriate this week to talk about how we can be better wives & husbands if there are enough married people in your group. For others, you can talk about how you’re preparing to be a wife or husband or why you’ve chosen to be single.

Fletcher Lang