Summer Missions Opportunities 2015
This summer CoaH is hoping to send two teams for short-term summer missions trips. One to China and another to Tanzania.
The first will be to teach English in China. You'll be able to dorm and live with students while teaching a summer conversational english course, participate in daily programs/games, and form relationships with students. All of this will help to forward the work of the faculty who are missionaries reaching these students with the gospel.
*Exact locations and details are not here for security reasons.
Trip dates are June 27 - July 31.
Christ's hope in tanzania
Our second trip will be to Mwanza, Tanzania. City On A Hill currently has dozens of folks sponsoring orphans in Tanzania. Each sponsorship allows the orphan to be taken in by their extended family, receive food, medical care, and hear the gospel several times a week.
People going on the trip will represent City On A Hill and the sponsors, spend time with the children, do tutoring and teach other skills, and encourage and support the work of Christ's Hope in other ways.
Trip dates are August 8-16. If the team decides to, the trip can be extended a day or two on either side.
If you're interested in either trip, please contact Mike for more details at
Commitment deadline is February 20.