This week in CoaH Kids
Resurrection Eggs: Today in our 1st-3rd grade class, we used resurrection eggs to retell the story of Jesus' death and resurrection. We sent a set of eggs home with the kids for them to tell you the story. If you aren't familiar with resurrection eggs, here's a link. This has a helpful "key" you can download and print to remind you of each egg's meaning.
Christmas Eve Service: There will not be childcare available at this service. However, there will be a room available for you to take your kids to play if they are unable to last the entire service.
January 1st: On New Year's Sunday we will be having one service at 11am. This will be Family Worship Sunday which means your older children will sit in the service during the singing and listen to a "mini" message geared for their age level. Then CoaH Kids servants will take them out for the duration of the service. Nursery is available for children ages 0-3 years.
Reminder: Please send your kids into CoaH Kids ready to worship. Please make sure they've eaten breakfast and have used the restroom. Do not send your child into CoaH Kids while they are actively eating a bagel (or any other food/snack). All food must be consumed before entering the theater or music room under the supervision of the child's parents. We will give a snack and have a bathroom break at some point during CoaH Kids but individual kids eating and using the bathroom during worship or the lesson is disruptive. We want everyone to be able to fully participate when they are checked into CoaH Kids. Thanks!
9AM Nursery: Children ages 0 -1 yrs old are welcome to come play in the nursery at this service. There is a separate class for 2 - 3 yr olds during this service. We provide cheerios for children over age 1 (unless specified by parents) and we try to spend a little bit of time reading the Bible story books.
11AM Nursery: Children ages 0-3 yrs old are welcome to come play in the nursery at this service. We provide cheerios during Bible story reading time for children 1 yr and older!
***IMPORTANT*** We have severe allergies in our nursery-aged kids. Only cheerios are give as a snack to children ages 1 years+. If your child cannot have cheerios, we will make an exception but feed him/her separately from the group. If possible, please bring a labelled water cup for your child to use during the nursery. If you've forgotten a label, the check-in coordinator would be happy to print out a label for you!
December Memory Verse: "Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17
December Theme: We love Jesus! The birth of Jesus from Luke 1:26-2:20 & Matthew 2:1-12
From the parent take-home page: Show your child nativity pictures. Talk to him about the birth of Jesus. You many even want to encourage your child to express affection for baby Jesus. For example, show your child a picture of baby Jesus and say, “I love you, baby Jesus!”
Show your child pictures of the wise men and baby Jesus. Talk to your child about how happy the men were to see Jesus.
Make statements professing love for Jesus throughout the day. For example, “I love daddy. I love sister. And I love Jesus!” or “We love grandma. We love grandpa. We love Jesus most!”
Pray: Thank you God for sending Jesus. Tell Jesus that you love Him.
This Week's Story: Matthew 26:36–28:10; John 18:1 - 20:18
Memory Verse: Romans 6:9 "We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him."
Summary: Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Today’s Bible passage, Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection, is found in Matthew 26:36–28:10. We look forward to hearing about the conversations you get to have with kids as you continue learning about the end of Jesus’ life and His glorious resurrection three days later!
Why did Jesus have to die? Why couldn’t He just say, “You are forgiven”? God is just and requires due payment for sin. To simply forgive sin without requiring a payment would be unjust. According to God’s Word, the payment of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23) But not only is God just, He is also loving. That is why Jesus was willing to die in our place. He loves us.
God’s law for the people was plain. Read Deuteronomy 6:5. But God’s people, and all people, have broken the law. We have loved other things more than we love God. That is sin.
Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth was to save us from our sin. (Matt. 1:21) Jesus came to die to show God’s love to us (Rom. 5:7-8) so that whoever believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) Jesus came to die so that we would be forgiven. (Eph. 1:7) Jesus came to die to bring us to God. (1 Pet. 3:18)
Jesus died on the cross to satisfy the wrath of God toward sin. Jesus’ resurrection proved that God was satisfied with Jesus’ sacrifice. If Jesus had died but not been raised up, He would have been like military leaders who died without a throne. (Acts 5:33-37) But Jesus conquered death, just as He said He would. (John 2:19-21)
Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope for our resurrection. (Rom. 6:5) And Romans 8:11 says that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will raise our bodies to life.
Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection are not the end of the story, but the center. Everything that was written about Jesus in the Old Testament and spoken by the prophets was coming true. As you teach kids this Bible story, emphasize the gospel: the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done.
Christ Connection: The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is the center of the Gospel. We deserve to die because of our sin, but Jesus died in our place. He was the blood sacrifice made once and for all for the forgiveness of sin. God was pleased with Jesus's sacrifice and raised Jesus from the dead to reign as King over all creation. We are forgiven only through Jesus. (Acts 4:12)
Family Activity Suggestion: Look at a cross on a necklace or other item found in your home. Ask kids to tell you in their own words why the cross is used as a decoration today. Remind kids that the cross is a reminder of what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross and rising again three days later. Review Matthew 26:36–28:10. We deserve to die for our sin, but Jesus died in our place so that our sins might be forgiven and we may have new life through His power to conquer sin and death.
Review Questions
Younger Kids
- What did Jesus do when He was sad? (Jesus prayed to God)
- When the high priest asked Jesus if He was God’s Son, what did He say? (Yes, He is God’s Son)
- What did the people do to Jesus? (The peopled killed Jesus on a cross)
- How long was Jesus in the tomb? (three days)
- How did Jesus’ friends feel when the angel told them that Jesus was alive? (Jesus’ friends were so happy that Jesus wasn’t dead anymore!)
- What did Jesus say when He saw His friends? (Jesus said, “Do not be afraid!”)
- Big Picture Question: What did Jesus do for sinners? Jesus died on the cross and is alive.
Older Kids
- What did Jesus’ disciples do while He prayed? (They fell asleep; Matt 26:40,43)
- Which disciple helped the crowd arrest Jesus? (Judas; Matt 26:47-49)
- Which disciple pretended he did not know Jesus? (Peter; John 18:17, 25-27)
- What did the soldiers put on Jesus? (a scarlet robe and a crown of thorns; Matt 27:28-29)
- Where was Jesus buried? (in a new tomb; Matt 27:59-60)
- Who went to see the tomb after three days? (two women, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary; Matthew 28:1)
- What did the angel tell the women at the tomb? (“Jesus is not here; He has been resurrected”; Matt 28:9)
- Who met the women as they left the tomb? (Jesus, Matt 28:9)
- Big Picture Question: What did Jesus do for sinners? Jesus’ death and resurrection paid the penalty for sins and provided the promise of new life!