Pastoral Reflection 11.1.15
CoaH’s 3rd Church Planting Resident: Suresh Sammangi
If you have been around City on a Hill for very long you know that we have a heart for church planting. We are a 5 year old church plant and we know our city needs many more church plants. Back in 2012 we brought in our first church planting resident, Charlie Dunn, and a year late brought in our second, Jared Kirk. Both of these men, and their families, have gone out to plant church in our city.
Our third church planting resident, Suresh Sammangi moved to Boston in Aug of 2014 and has been working with our staff and being coached. During that time Suresh has also been laying the groundwork for Indian Community Church. Suresh and his wife, Anitha, have a vision to plant a church to reach the 80,000 Indian people who live in the Boston area.
On November 8, Indian Community Church will be holding its first preview service. The service will be at 9:30 AM at the Embassy Theater in Waltham. Here are some prayer requests for that day:
•For God to bring many people from the 100’s of Indian families that Suresh
and Anitha have networked with over the last year.
•For all of the logistics to go smoothly – setup, hospitality, childcare, welcome
team, parking, etc.
•For Christ’s name to be exalted in their worship and for God to draw many to
himself through the preaching of the word
•For peace, strength, and protection for Suresh and his family.
Many of you have gotten to know Suresh’s family over the last year. Please reach out to Suresh and Anitha (and their boys, David and Zac) and let them know you are praying for them.
Love you all,
Pastor Bland